The Buffalo Boy

Mayukh Chakraborty

Category :


Scintillatingly provocative, The Buffalo Boy offers a flight to a world where existence is unbound yet tethered. Here the self experiences alienation, suffocation, sense of the lost, flesh and darkness. Interestingly, the self refuses to give in: it tries to bounce back invigorated by the consciousness objectified in the Nature.

Date of Publication : 06/21/2022
Publisher :
Global Collective Publishers
Illustrations :

Pages :
Format Price
ISBN : 9781957831039
Availability : In Stock

Dimensions : 8.5 X 5.5 in
SKU: 9781957831039 Category:


 Scintillatingly provocative, The Buffalo Boy offers a flight to a world where existence is unbound yet tethered. Here the self experiences alienation, suffocation, sense of the lost, flesh and darkness. Interestingly, the self refuses to give in: it tries to bounce back invigorated by the consciousness objectified in the Nature. As this process continues, the thin barrier between its consciousness and the objects perceived closes down, making the hiatus thinner to the thinnest. Thus the journey becomes a rediscovery for the self etched with pangs and desires.

 If lines occur, you cannot sit idle. You have to take up the writing device and start jotting down. Sometimes, they will occur unimpeded and sometimes with bumps. But they will occur for sure. Cut back to the ’80s, a village in India. Nature was plenty but the city had started peeping in. Stranded in between, my life was clueless. First, we responded to the Nature and slowly learnt how to adapt with the city. Thus my lines always occur in between them. A buffalo or a moon is equally important for me as the boxed bed laid in a tiny room. Let the lines occur.


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